Open your eyes wide… we got the ENTIRE PROGRAM of the PANORÀMIC FESTIVAL 2024 HERE!

Don’t wait any longer and see what we have prepared for this edition! Press release by Teresa Vallbona

© Poster image: Jordi V. Pou
© Poster design: Manera Estudi

dPanoràmic, festival of Cinema, Photography and more, wich celebrates its 8th edition from October 10 to Decembre 29 in Granollers, Barcelona and, for the first time Terrassa, announces all the exhibitions of the program. This year the festival will feature 17 exhibitions that revolve around the theme of the festival , which is linked to the idea of “Extremes: from the extreme violence and totalitarian ideologies of the fast-paced 20th century, to the economic and social paradigm shifts of the 21st century.

As a novelty, Panoràmic 2024 grows and expands. The festival expands the number of days,
cities and programmed activities. Each city will inaugurate the exhibitions on different dates:
Granollers on October 10, Barcelona on October 24, and Terrassa on November 14.

The festival, which aims to be a meeting point between the still image and the moving image,
with disciplines ranging from photography to film, video, installation and other contemporary
visual practices, will feature exhibitions, screenings, debates, workshops, guided tours and
in the various cultural spaces of the three cities.

Diptych The Temptation of Death, Boris Mikhaïlov

Dresie and Casie twins, Roger Ballen

Panoràmic 2024 will host two unprecedented exhibitions of two essential photographers of the 20th century: the first major retrospective of Roger Ballen in Spain, with an extensive selection of photographs and some of his most impactful audiovisual pieces, and the exhibition of the Ukrainian conceptual photographer Boris Mikhaïlov, with 35 large-format diptychs that confront the present and past of his country.

Vannie Kaap, Thania Petersen

Illasamay, aruma | Sandra De Berduccy

Los coros menores, Demian Schopf

With the aim of escaping from a Eurocentric approach, the festival looks towards the southern hemisphere with the first exhibition in our country of the South African artist Thania Petersen, who proposes an artistic journey from ancestral beliefs to the current post-aparheid modernity; the Bolivian artist aruma | Sandra De Berduccy, who links traditional Andean textile techniques with new technological languages; the photographs of the Chilean artist Demian Schopf, who contrasts indigenous culture and the globalized world, and the unprecedented installation resulting from the collaboration between the Colombian artist Sandra Rengifo and Roc Parés.

Mayoral de acero: destajo, Sandra Rengifo en col·laboració amb Kostas Tsanakas

Maqueta entrenada, Roc Parés

The artist Núria Güell addresses the abuses of power and the consequences of its exercise in “La sexualitat de l’amo”; visual artist and code developer Alba G. Corral presents an abstract and generative audiovisual work created through programming algorithms, inspired by the strength and resilience of working women, and Amanda Cuesta curates “NON STEREO-TIP, polítiques del desig” , a project that talks about desire through the revision of practices of experimental cinema, amateur art and activism.

In addition, the Lebanese actor, playwright and visual artist Rabih Mroué exhibits, for the first time in Europe, audiovisual works linked to the war in Lebanon on the corporal experience of aerial violence, at the Regufi antiaeri de Granollers (Granollers Air Raid Shelter), and the Museu de Ciències de Granollers hosts the exhibition of the artists alfonso borragán and Paula Bruna, who in collaboration with entomologist and botanist researchers, reflect on human superiority towards other species such as arthropods.

Artropomorfismes. Assajos de sintonització invertebrada, Paula Bruna

Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona. Casa de l’Ardiaca, Barcelona.
Fotografia: Jordi Calafell

Panoràmic File, the project that invites artists to work with historical archives of Granollers, Barcelona and for the first time Terrassa, with the aim of activating their collections and making them visible, will feature the choreographic action of the dancer Marta Ros, based on photographs from the Arxiu Municipal de Granollers; with the project of the artist Joan Pallé at the Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona; with the intervention of the photographer Paula Artés at the Arxiu d’Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya; with the visual artist Ro Caminal based on images from the Arxiu Tobella in Terrassa and with Enric Mauri, who has worked with some material of the archive of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya that refers to Montseny. All these proposals reflect on the representation and ostentation of power and social hierarchies.

Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition, Jordi Pallé
Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona. La Casa de l’Ardiaca

Qui té el poder?, Paula Artés
Arxiu d’Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya, Barcelona

The theme of this year’s festival is linked to the idea of “Extremes”, from the extreme violence and totalitarian ideologies of the accelerated 20th century, to the economic and social paradigm shifts of the 21st century. Panoràmic 2024 pays attention to the post-historical and post-capitalist society, with new ideologies, utopias and organizational models.