L’altre ubic. Fragments of the fragmented body.

Exhibition curated by Mercè Alsina

In the global world, an information age in which the flow of communication is central, we live increasingly dependent on networks, but hyperconnectivity, paradoxically, causes an isolating effect that makes us refer to the self, both in the psychic plane as in the physical.

The body then becomes a territory of research in which we recognize the others that inhabit us and the desire to show ourselves as this other location emerges, fueled by the infinite possibilities offered by networks. Because in the paradigm of intimacy, the screen ceases to be a mirror image to become a fragmented, changing and plural active imaginary, which is no longer a reactive resistance to the fantasies of the body, but becomes part of a fantasy program to explore unknown states.

Artists Teemu Mäki, Mengwen Cao, Isa Fontbona, Francesca Steele, Itziar Okariz and Ricardo Muñoz raise questions about identity, whether it be physical appearance, sexual orientation, gender or social attitudes as well as the existential doubts we face. we face in the daily exercise of thinking. They show aspects of intimacy, mostly of a self-referential nature, to bring the imaginary to the real plane in subversive actions that challenge the attributes that define us socially.

Technical file

The exhibition is articulated by each artist. Depending on the layout of the room, the final design will be adapted. The space should be able to place vinyl.

Assembly requirements

The space for the exhibition must be at least 40 m2. If the space is larger, you could consider adding more content.

  • 5 Medium / large monitors
  • 1 Small monitor
  • 1 projector
Educational proposal

The educational proposal is aimed at ESO, Baccalaureate and other educational environments and is driven by the Exit.

It takes the form of a “Pedagogical Device” that:

  • It offers an educational itinerary with various moments (discovery and stimulation, creative action, visit-conversation and closing and assessment) that involve an experience of interaction with the exhibitions.

  • It is based on the potential of art as the engine of learning and the expressive abilities of people.

  • It is flexible and adaptable to the needs of each context and the interests of each group.

  • It combines virtual and face-to-face sessions and receives the support and accompaniment of the Panoràmic educational team.


From October 20 to November 29, 2020, Arts Santa Mónica – Panoramic Festival. Barcelona

September-October 2021 Moritz Art Space. Cornella.

From December 16, 2021 to February 28, 2022, Mèdol Center for Contemporary Arts of Tarragona, Tarragona

January 27-May 1, 2022 Muxart Espacio de Arte y Creación Contemporáneos, Martorell.

May-June 2022, El Casino Cultural Center. Manresa.

20.01.2023–05.03.2023.Can Manyé, Espai d’art i creació. Alella

From October 19 to November 26, 2023. Museo de Granollers. Granollers