Exhibition by Jaume Parera curated by Laia Casanova and Mercè Alsina
Project within the Panoramic File program
Roca Umbert. Fàbrica de les Arts.
From October 20 to November 27, 2022
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 18:00 to 21:00 h
HiperCongost is a dialogue between the past and the present of the city of Granollers through the use we make of the river, seen as a large supermarket where we dump the waste of our hyperconsumption. This river, which was formerly polluted and deserted, is presented as a new recreation area, where the desire to reconnect with the natural environment damaged by our action is manifested.
The project explores the diversity and archeology of the remains of a confrontation between man and nature. We can learn a great deal of the city’s history by viewing the images captured around the riverside.
Jaume Parera
He was born in Barcelona. Jaume Parera’s works explore various realities based on interventions or photographic series that report on the uses of the landscape and human relationships in specific environments. It investigates the human body and how it is presented, projected and transformed and also how human action impacts different urban and natural scenarios.