The Panoràmic Festival in the Andean lands!

The Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Manizales-Bogotá (Colombia) “Geo-poiesis: a Dialogue between earth and creation”

Daniel G. Andújar, Pilar Rosado, Antoni Vicens i Vicens, Laia Casanova, Enric Maurí, Roc Parés and Roberta Bosco

The 23rd edition of the International Image Festival, a leading and benchmark event in digital culture and electronic arts in Colombia, took place between Manizales and Bogotá (Colombia). This year, Catalonia was the guest of honor. In this framework, the Panoràmic Festival had the opportunity to be able to present itself and give voice to the various editions that have taken place since its inception, in 2017, until today.

We presented a collective video installation with some of the artists who have been part of the festival in different editions, especially in the axis of research and creation of “Panoràmic FILE”. In this exhibition we carried out a dialogue between the works of Ignasi Prat with Masies Imaginades (Imagined Country Houses) (2020) that was presented at the Panoràmic Festival in 2021, Eva Marín with Cims, conquestes i esquerdes (Peaks, conquests and cracks) (2022), Paula Bruna with “Desitjar as immortals” (Desiring as immortals) in the framework of her project” Plantocè ” (Platocene) and Enric Mauri with Estrès: Els cossos i les coses (Stress: Bodies and Things) (2023) an audiovisual piece very much in tune with his current line of research and creation regarding the consumer society and its impact.

In addition, in the latter case, we were lucky that Enric Mauri accompanied us and was able to present his project and his career at the FII festival, as well as being invited to do so at the Museo de Arte de Pereira ; so has Pilar Rosado, researcher at the University of Barcelona and artist who has been linked on several occasions to the Panoràmic Festival, on this occasion she has presented the conference “Inteligencia artificial generativa: Más allà de la originalidad”

Image of “Masies Imaginades” (Imagined Country Houses) by Ignasi Prat in the collective video installation presented at the Festival Internacional de la Imagen de Colombia

On the other hand, and in this nexus between both territories, the conceptual-poetic-artistic collaboration between Roc Parés and Sandra Rengifo curated by Roberta Bosco and Fernando Cuevas Ulitzsch . A dialogue between the piece “Deriva 360º” by Parés, and “AtmoSphaira” by Rengifo that has been shown at the Centro Nacional de las Artes de Bogotá in the form of an exhibition installation under the title “GEO-POIESIS: derivas y confluencias en las imaginerías electrónicas” thanks to the support of the Ramon Llull Institute and that we will be able to enjoy in Catalonia during the Panoràmic Festival this 2024.

Image of the installation “GEO-POIESIS: derivas y confluencias en las imaginerías electrónicas” by Roc Parés and Sandra Rengifo. Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Colombia, 2024.

Roc Parés, Sandra Rengifo, Roberta Bosco and Fernando Cuevas Ulitzsch the day of the performance Deriva 360º by Roc Parés in the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Bogotá, Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Colombia, 2024. Photo: Asher Remy-Toledo

If you want to know more about the DERIVA 360 project, you will find the interview in Catalan that El Temps de les Arts magazine dedicated to Roc Parés last May 7 and explains the conception and materialization of his piece.