Panoràmic 360

The festival is expanding and it is also doing so through the 360 program, an initiative that diversifies the exhibitions, giving the opportunity for visual proposals close to this year’s theme, outside the official section, to also have a space for dissemination and of exposure

From November 7 to 27, 2022

Granollers en canvi

Photo exhibition of the Associació Fotogràfica Jaume Oller

Biblioteca Roca Umbert. Granollers.
Organized by: Associació Fotogràfica Jaume Oller



Granollers n canvi, is an exhibition of images by the Jaume Oller Photographic Association that wants to show a city that is in continuous evolution. Some changes that we sometimes perceive little by little, day after day, and others in a vertiginous way. He fixes his gaze on what lasts, or what disappears, on what is imagined, but which is not yet there. The passage of time seen from an instant. The Associació Fotogràfica Jaume Oller is an organization formed by people who are fond of photography. It is a collective that wants to share with others the practice of photography and promote it with outings, workshops, exhibitions, training courses and any other activity related to it.


Monday: 15:00–20:00
Tuesday: 15:00–20:00
Wednesday: 10:00–14:00, 15:00–20:00
Thursday: 15:00–20:00
Friday: 10:00–14:00, 15:00–20:00
Saturday: 15:30–20:00
Sunday: closed

Until November 25. From Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

El Congost, de riera a riu

Ajuntament de Granollers, Plaça de la Porxada, 6.

Ajuntament de Granollers, Arxiu Municipal de Granollers



Exhibition of old photographs of the Congost river, which are in the different collections of the Municipal Archives of Granollers. Through these images you can show the transformation of the city, around the river.

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From September 30 to October 28. From Wednesday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 5pm.

Dilluns 7pm

CoEspai. C, Anselm Clavé, 32, 3r, Girona.
Organized by CoEspai

Exhibition by Laura Torres Brunet



With the Devesa park in Girona as a point of reference, Laura Torres Brunet, resident artist of 3r Esquerra, has captured the same spot in the park every Monday at 7pm for four months. The installation is an immersive experience in digital and analogue and has a part of sound art, painting and photography. Through observation embodied through photography and sound recording, the artist has followed to record the passage from winter to spring, subsequently producing a series of watercolors as an interpretation of the work of observation

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From November 2 to 27. From Monday to Wednesday from 4 to 8 p.m. and Thursday from 3 to 7 p.m

Venadito 4th ed. PRIMATES

Collective Exhibition

siNesteSia. Plaça Cardenal Cicognani 1 baixos, Barcelona
Organize siNesteSia



El Venadito is a Biennial that was born in 2015 with the firm desire to be an artistic reference for the animal and environmental cause. Year after year the proposal has been growing thanks to the collaboration of numerous entities, artists, animalists and ecologists… In this 4th edition, with the collaboration of the MONA Foundation, we have put the focus on PRIMATES, our closest relatives, with the aim of making visible the situation of vulnerability experienced by apes. The exhibition is made up of 26 artists who, through their works, make us reflect in all areas (education, science, environment…) An exhibition that invites us to think about what a landscape would be like without animals.

More info.


November 9 at 7 p.m

Presentation of the book Nit de Pedra Seca

Grisart. Carrer de Méndez Núñez, 14, Barcelona.
Organize Copons InLoft



“Nit de pedra seca” a book edited by Francina Cirera and Ricard Espelt that starts from a cultural and artistic journey in which they have participated: Èric Alcoberro, Luis Calle, Santi Careta, Rosa Cerarols, Manuel Duarte, Asier Gogortza, Jordi Grau, Alexia Lleonart, Jordi Llorella, Clara Nubiola, Pere Sala, Roger Solé, Joan Sorolla and Judit Vidal.

Often, when we walk along the trails, we pass banks, vineyard huts, vaulted huts, wells, ovens, ponds and other dry stone constructions that, while still visible, sometimes end up being imperceptible. Precisely, the ease these buildings have, even when the lack of maintenance disfigures them, to integrate harmoniously into the environment, means that their aesthetics are not always sufficiently noticed. Despite this, the dry stone constructions have a great historical value and are a true reference point of identity and a sign of care for the territory, hosting agricultural and livestock activity and constituting a rich ecosystem of animal and plant species. La nit ens obre els ulls. Nit de pedra seca is an invitation to approach these ancestral constructions through art and propose new perspectives.

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November 21 at 7:30 p.m

Urban landscape, three experiences: “A tram called deseo”, “The Goose Game” and “The Raft of the Medusa”

TPK Art i Pensament Contemporani. Av. de Josep Tarradellas and Joan, 44, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
Organized TPK Art i pensament contemporani

By Agustí Fructuoso



Talk about the projects carried out by the TPK collective and their implications for the urban landscape and its citizens.
“Un tranvia llamado deseo”, Kassel 1987. Urban art experience inserted into a contemporary art exhibition. Commissioned by K-18 in Kassel.
“El juego de la oca” 1989, urban art experience in a rural environment. Artistic installation traveling through five towns in Aragon. Commission of the Government of Aragon.
“La Balsa de la Medusa” 2021-2022 Barcelona. Urban art experience in a public space.
Speaker: Agustí Fructuoso

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October 22 at 6 p.m

Alícia en el metavers de les meravelles, de MonLiria

a cobert. carrer del Salt 10, Moià
Organize a cobert

By MonLiria



6 pm Colloquium with MonLiria and Gerard Toledano where there will be a debate on how technology affects narration, authorship, the person who receives it, or where is the limit between who executes, who observes, who experiences a work ?

6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Alícia en el metavers de les meravelles

Performance event where MonLiria will show us live the interaction and creation of her virtual landscape, a universe to which she will be accompanied by the artist Albert Gusi who will narrate some descriptive fragments of Lewis Carroll’s work “Alice in Wonderland” which will influence MonLiria in its (co-)creation.

7 pm Participatory performance event (in turns) where we can enter the “metaverse of wonders”.


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