

Exhibition by Ro Caminal, curated by Mercè Alsina

Audiovisual i instal·lació
Panoràmic FILE

Arxiu Tobella – Pcta. de Saragossa, 2

From November 14, to December 29


Tuesday to Friday: from 3pm to 7pm

The title references the traditional placement of social housing on the outskirts of the city. This geographical separation establishes a hierarchy between the city center and the periphery, reinforcing and perpetuating social distances.

Ro Caminal’s work symbolically addresses issues shared by many working-class neighborhoods, which have experienced successive waves of migration since the 1940s.

His research highlights that foundational solutions alone cannot resolve social problems; rather, they can exacerbate them. Residential segregation creates harmful models of exclusion and social control. While housing was a pressing issue in the post-war period, it remains a problem today, exacerbated by a significant surplus of empty properties.

Both newly arrived immigrants and the native middle class face difficulties in affording these homes. The speculative practices related to urban land, which began during the dictatorship, persist despite many years of democracy.

Ro Caminal

Ro Caminal (Barcelona, 1966). She works from indiscipline, in a hybrid space between art and social sciences. He experiments with ways of inscribing a social utility in his artistic practice. She approaches her projects as audiovisual research, generating knowledge, which she then shares through the exhibition format. Her artistic practice follows the path of collaborative/participative production, so it is not exempt from the implicit tensions that this mode of production implies. Sharing, in each project, the power of enunciation with the other, constantly confronts him with the dynamics of giving/withholding. Far from worrying, it is here that he inhabits the core of his projects, enriching them. Exploring the world of representation, he generates a constant search to find and show the common place, where his space and the space of the “other” meet. Always, trying to locate her work in this interstitial space.

Mercè Alsina

Mercè Alsina (Barcelona, 1966) holds a PhD cum laude in History and Theory of the Arts from the UB (2018). Art critic and independent curator.
Assessor and curator of the Panoràmic Festival.Co-curated the contemporary art cycle santcorneliarts(2) in Cardedeu, recognized with the ACCA award for the best contemporary art programming in Catalonia 2023.
She was artistic director of the self-managed space ARTUAL and Galeria 44.She curated the Escaparate space at the Abelló Museum in Mollet.