Police station

Eleonora Isunza

She worked at the Morelense Radio and Television System since 1988 as a writer, producer and presenter of several radio and television programs. He lived in France where he studied and worked with the forerunners of the philosophy of recreation and the positive use of free time. In 2009, he co-founded Cinema Planeta, Mexico’s International Film and Environment Festival. He carried out not only cinematographic but environmental projects such as the Horts and Parcels escolares del Planeta pilot program under the tutelage of Vandana Shiva and actor Bill Pullman. From 2011 to 2013 she was host of the film section of the national TVC Ambientales news. He collaborates with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rajendra K. Pachauri in the creation of the global movement POP (Protect our Planet).
She is Co-founder and President of the Green Film Network (Worldwide Network of Film Festivals and the Environment) where 34 festivals from 32 countries participate. It belongs to the Seminary of Culture of Mexico, correspondent Cuernavaca. In 2016 he Co-produced and Co-directed his first feature film Nahui Ollin, and in 2018 with “Mar Incendiado” Corto – documentaries with which they draw attention to the Impacts of Climate Change in Mexico. In 2020 he creates and launches the first online environmental education platform in Mexico where he collaborates with more than 5,000 schools and more than 400,000 students on the same platform Space Arts Residency is carried out, to promote the care and sustainability of the Outdoor space through artistic collaboration.


Space Arts

Space Arts by Idea Planeta is a global cross-media collaboration with the aim of visualizing and strengthening the connections between space and the environment on a planetary scale. Space Arts will give voice to young artists who, through their audiovisual and sound creations, will give us the opportunity to hear and see what they have to say so that we can pay attention to their global conservation efforts as inhabitants of a single planet, beyond nationalities.
An artistic spatial ecology meeting where education, language, music, aesthetics, science and teamwork become images that move people towards peace and conservation.
In 2019 we started in Mexico, with the “Cinema Planeta va a l’Espai” Event as a cultural exchange and collaboration between visual artists from Mexico and musicians from Austria.
In 2020/21 we pass on this opportunity to the next generations of musicians and visual artists from Austria, Mexico and Germany in the form of the “Space Call” and the next virtual artist residency, which will give the finalists the opportunity to strengthen their skills, gather new knowledge and expand your network.