


Wednesday, October 5, at 8 p.m

Concert ‘Una nit al Cinema’ with David Carabén & CO

Filmoteca de Catalunya . Barcelona
More information and ticket sales here .



The leader of the group Mishima, will present in this unique evening a collection of songs and memories about the influence of cinema in his work.

The images that have inspired his work, the videos that have illustrated his songs or the soundtracks of his life, will be the basis of a magical night of sounds, lights and shadows.

This concert, especially designed for this event, alternates songs and comments with sequences and videos that will reveal another profile of the musician, film lover and filmmaker.


Thursday, October 20, at 7 p.m

Inauguration of the 2022 Panoramic Festival

NAUB1 – Roca Umbert Arts Factory. Granollers.
Opening ceremony
Performance “L’udol” by Enric Mauri
Inaugural lecture by Andrés Hispano .



During the event, the performance “Ludol” by the artist Enric Mauri will be performed, inspired by Arto Paasilinna’s book “The Howling Mill” (1981). For the protagonist of this short story, the howl is a lament but at the same time a cry of freedom and a gesture of affirmation before society. With this action, Mauri wants to claim a new attitude towards the landscape and how we currently relate to it.


Friday, October 21, at 6 p.m

Talk The State of the art in Cinema and video games

Granollers Museum event hall. Granollers.
By Andy Kelly and Andrés Hispano
Language: English and Spanish



The creator Andy Kelly will offer a masterclass where he will reflect on how video games are a space where questions about the landscape are raised, just as painting, cinema and photography did in the 20th century with traveling, the plan – cinematographic sequence or urban photography.


Wednesday, October 26, at 7 p.m

Presentation of the photobook Toros. The Marking of a Territory

Grisart. Barcelona.
By Maurizio Montagna
Presentation by Joan Fontcuberta and Ethel Baraona Pohl



Montagna and Fontcuberta will present the publication that traces the iconic silhouette of Osborne’s bull, so rooted in our imagination that it has become a vernacular object in photography: widely used in art and cinema, it could be considered one of the most powerful in the last decade in Spain.



Talk Forest as a Field of Mind

MACBA. Auditori del Convent dels Àngels. Barcelona.
by Ursula Biemann



The protagonist of Ursula Biemann’s videos in recent years is the figure of the indigenous scientist who emerges from a shared history of colonialism and the emergence of modern science.

From the Museum of Art of the National University of Colombia in 2018, Biemann, has carried out extensive field research in the Amazon jungle that has given rise to several artistic productions such as the video Forest Mind and Esdevenir Universitat, a collaborative project which involves the co-creation of a biocultural Indigenous University in the Amazon.

Based on an international partnership, this visionary project aims to build a bridge between indigenous knowledge systems and modern science, fostering a supportive ecocentric worldview. The conference will raise the question of how art can contribute to decolonizing knowledge and promote the transition from an extractive paradigm to another more generative and imaginative one. If images are not limited to representing already existing realities, but rather contribute to the creation of reality, to the creation of the world, what role can the creation of images play in the encounter with the living cognitive territory?


Thursday, October 27, at 8 p.m

Concert ‘Una nit al Cinema’ with David Carabén & CO

NAUB1 – Roca Umbert Arts Factory. Granollers.
More information and ticket sales here .



The leader of the group Mishima, will present in this unique evening a collection of songs and memories about the influence of cinema in his work.
The images that have inspired his work, the videos that have illustrated his songs or the soundtracks of his life, will be the basis of a magical night of sounds, lights and shadows.

This concert, especially designed for this event, alternates songs and comments with sequences and videos that will reveal another profile of the musician, film lover and filmmaker.


Friday, October 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Views of the Open Panoramic and From festival to festival projects

Centre d’Art La Capella . Barcelona.
More information and ticket sales here .



Throughout the day, the projects selected from the Open Panoramic call and those selected by the invited international curators will be presented. Act presented by commissioner Pilar Cruz.

Participants Open Panoramic: Silvia Gómez González, Pedro Torres, Joan Sorolla, Arnau Rovira, Cristobal Ascencio, Núria Nia, Joana Casas, Francesca Svampa, Gloria Giménez, Luis Mendía, Miguel Ángel Moreno and Marc Anglés.

The guest curators in the From festival to festival section are: María Catalina Bojacá Rentería, Paula Tatiana Laverde Austin and Eleonora Isunza Gutiérrez, from Mexico; Felipe Cesar Londoño and Felipe Arturo Pérez, from Colombia; Simone Azzoni, from Italy; David Pujadó from Serbia and Pascal Bois from France.

More information


Friday 28 October, from 19.30 to 20.30 h

Hilomental session The fourth landscape

Centre d’Art La Capella. Barcelona.
By Hilomental and Roc Parés



An audiovisual dialogue or drift about our relationship with nature and the landscape from the perspective of current thought and art. Hilomental invites artist and theorist Roc Parés to a critical reflection on the destruction of the environment and the possibility of stopping ecocide.
“Our sensibility is certainly not the scale to measure the unattainable beauty of nature.” Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799).



Saturday 5 November, from 10.30am to 1.30pm

Visit to Galicia and meeting with the Platform in Defense of Galicia

Departure point: Parking de Roca Umbert Fábrica de les Arts de Granollers, at 9.45 a.m. We will share cars.
Parallel activity to the Collaborative Research Laboratory “Tracing the landscape”



Gallecs is a natural and agricultural area of great ecological interest in the Eastern and Western Vallès amidst the great urban pressure exerted by the neighboring towns of Mollet del Vallès, Parets del Vallès, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Palau-solità and Plegamans, Lliçà de Vall , Montcada and Reixac and Polinyà. In 1968, the master plan for the metropolitan area of Barcelona provided for the construction of a large city for around 130,000 inhabitants in this area. Although expropriations were carried out, great popular pressure and the advent of democracy prevented this project from being carried out. Since then, however, the space has been constantly threatened by various projects. Since 2009, a part of Gallecs became part of the Plan d’Espais d’Interès Natural (PEIN), but, despite this, this space continues to be threatened by different urbanization and infrastructure creation projects .

The platform in Defensa de Galician collects the historic struggle that various groups have carried out since the 70s in order to continue working for the preservation of Galician languages. The objectives of the platform are to guarantee the adequate protection of all this natural space and its biological viability, as well as its cultural and landscape heritage, promoting at the same time an awareness and an environmental education of the ecological and social values that are generated in this natural stronghold

During this visit we will make an itinerary through Galicia to explore the natural, heritage and agricultural area, and we will also meet with members of the Platform in Defense of Galicia in order to deepen the work they have carried out since its foundation and in the urban threats that Gallecs still suffers.

PDG website here.
A little history here.


Monday, November 7, at 6:30 p.m

Land policies: curatorial research on socio-natural extractivism in the Vallès territory

Espai d’Arts de Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts. Granollers.
By Christian Alonso



Christian Alonso is a cultural researcher, writer, curator and teacher. He is director of the La Panera Art Center in Lleida and professor of Art History and Theory at the University of Lleida. Previously, he was coordinator of the curatorial program On Mediation and project coordinator of the research group AGI – Art, Globalization, Interculturality (University of Barcelona), 2013-2021. He holds a doctorate in History and Theory of Arts from the University of Barcelona. In his doctoral thesis he relates the ecosophical perspective of Félix Guattari and a set of ethical aesthetic practices to conceptualize the work of art as a technology that produces non-anthropocentric ways of living.

Parallel activity to the Collaborative Research Laboratory “Tracing the landscape” with Eva Marín.


Thursday, November 10, at 7 p.m

Presentation of the book Volverás a la Antártida by Paco Gómez and Hilo Moreno
Cycle: Els límits del món (els pols de la Terra)

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers. Barcelona.



Hilo Moreno works as a mountain guide at the Joan Carles I Spanish Antarctic Base. In 2016, life changed at the base with the installation of a wifi network. The photographer Paco Gómez finds out about this circumstance and tries to send a whatsapp to his friend Hilo. In a matter of seconds he checks that he can converse with the frozen continent. Paco then proposes a photographic experiment in Hilo: he wants her to be his eyes in Antarctica and his mobile phone to help him travel to a place he will never be.
As a diary, this book recounts the conversations that lead them to revisit the history of the mythical polar expeditions. Dialogues that use innocence and humor to evoke the past, and that they, imbued by the epic of the pioneers, decide to christen as the First Virtual Transantarctic Expedition.


Friday, November 11, at 7 p.m

Violencia Natural
Guided visit to the exhibition with the artist Mayra Martell

Sala Zero of the Roca Umbert Arts Space Fàbrica de les Arts. Granollers



Walk through the exhibition accompanied by the Mexican photographer who will tell us in first person the social conflicts that coexist in this landscape.


Saturday November 12, at 6:30 p.m

Talk Under the polar zones . A conversation with Marta Estrada and Raúl Alaejos

Cycle: The limits of the world (the poles of the Earth)

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers. Granollers.



Alaejos and Estrada will review what the word limit means when we talk about the world: its geographical limits and the limits of its capacity to resist the extractivism and barbarism of humans. Although there are many other symptoms that reveal or announce the global environmental catastrophe, the fate of the polar zones is the most “spectacular” example of what awaits all of humanity: the dramatic change of the climate, the disappearance of our culture and our presence in the world.

Marta Estrada is an illustrious Granoller who has dedicated and continues to dedicate her life to science. Born in 1946, she grew up and was educated in Granollers. Internationally recognized biologist and oceanographer, she has received recognitions such as the Trégouboff prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1992), the Narcís Monturiol medal for scientific and technological merit (1995), the Saint George’s Cross (2004) and the Medal of the city of Granollers (2005). Marta Estrada is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona and her research career has been developed, almost entirely, at the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM) of Barcelona, which depends on the CSIC. His name is associated with, among others, the values of study, effort and perseverance.

Raúl Alaejos is well versed in film work about the polar zones and has traveled to the Arctic more than once with various expeditions as a member of Greenpeace. Alaejos will present his most personal work, a documentary in progress about the Inuit and their life today Debajo del Pole Norte (documentary in progress 2022).


Wednesday, November 16, at 7 p.m

Presentation of the L’herbari specular project. Una anàlisi d’allò humà a la botànica

Institut Botànic de Barcelona. Barcelona.



Bruna presents us with the research process carried out with the Botanical Institute of Barcelona that develops within the Plantocè project (initiated by the artist in 2017). Plantocene is an investigation in which Bruna confronts the plant kingdom and human society, questions the hegemony of our species and generates images that suggest a post-human scenario.


Saturday November 19, at 6:30 p.m

On the origin of cinema at the poles of the Earth

Cycle: The limits of the world (the poles of the Earth)

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers. Granollers.

Audiovisual session commented and facilitated by Fèlix Pérez-Hita .



Screenwriter and film critic Fèlix Pérez-Hita will hold a hooligan and illustrative session on how poles have been represented in cinema throughout history and how this influences the current view of the landscape itself.

Fragments of films that will be viewed:
Conquest of the Pole ( À la conquête du Pôle ) – Georges Méliès 1912. Duration: 30 mins.
Nanuk, the Eskimo ( Nanook of the North ) – Robert Flaherty 1922 Duration: 80 mins.
Nanook Revisited ( Nanook revisitado ), by Claude Massot and Sebastien Regnier (1990). Duration: 55 min
…of the North – Dominic Gagnon (2015). Canada. Duration: 74 mins.


Tuesday, November 22, at 6:30 p.m

Talk about the influence of cinema on crime scenes or vice versa

Cinema Edison. Granollers.

In charge of Mr. Joan Bonany Sub- Inspector of the Head of the Scientific Police Territorial Unit and Andrés Hispano



Frances Glessner used, in the middle of the 20th century, the meticulous construction of models to solve and interpret various crime scenes. Already in the 21st century, Corinne Botz has documented these scenes in the best possible way, creating images of unquestionable expressive power.

But what are the tools and strategies for solving crimes today? We discuss the experience of Sub-Inspector Joan Bonany, of the Mossos d’Esquadra, with the artistic and documentary perspective of Andrés Hispano. Science and art in the same setting to bring us closer to contemporary research processes.


Thursday, November 24, at 7 p.m

Streaming conversation The Metalandscape in the Anthropocene: the representation of nature in video games

Espai GRA. Granollers.

By Estela Ortiz , cultural analyst and writer, Ofelia Carbonell and Alba Lafarga , gamers.



They will tell us how nature is represented and altered in video games, obviously from a perspective that is always utilitarian and of capitalistic and anthropocentric exploitation. Video games such as Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Zelda will be analyzed and the impact this has on the collective imagination and how nature and landscape are perceived will be discussed. The idea is also to talk about video games that break with this construction, as is the case with Everywhere .


Sunday, November 27, at 1 p.m

Closure of the festival with the Udol performance

oca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts . Granollers.

By Enric Mauri and the students of Arsènic



Maurí has worked with the Arsènic students to expand his Udol performance inspired by Arto Paasilinna’s book “The howling miller” (1981). The students will show us their version of this reading.


Price of the Route: € 3. We will finish the routes with a vermouth (not included in the price)


Sunday, October 23, at 11 a.m

Route to discover the most digital Panoràmic Granollers festival!

L’Adoberia. Granollers.



This route aims to discover the projects most linked to digital creation and new technologies. The Umbral projects by Serafín Álvarez, the virtual reality and augmented reality projects on the specific site and the exhibition of the creator Andy Kelly at the Adoberia will be visited. We will end up at the Roca Umbert bar having a conversation with some of the participating creators and curators.


Sunday, November 6, at 11 a.m

Route to discover the Panoràmic Granollers festival in Roca Umbert!

Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts. Granollers.



This route will take you through the proposals presented at Roca Umbert de Cortis and Sonderegger, Jaume Parera’s project with the Arxiu de Granollers, the photo book exhibition and Ursula Biemann’s exhibition, among others.
We will end up at the Roca Umbert bar having a conversation with some of the participating creators and curators.


Sunday, November 13, at 11 a.m

Route to discover the most social Panoràmic Granollers festival!

Museu de Granollers. Granollers.



This route will bring us closer to the projects that talk about more social conflicts and how photography and video make us reflect on these issues. The visit will begin at the Museu de Granollers with Txema Salvans’ project, the air raid shelter with images of Ukraine, and then we will take a tour of Mayra Martell’s exhibition at Roca Umbert.
We will finish at the Roca Umbert bar chatting with some of the participating creators and curators


Sunday, November 20, at 11 a.m

Route to discover the festival in Barcelona. Get to know heritage spaces and contemporary proposals through the Panoràmic festival!

Grisart. Barcelona.



This will be a visit to the center of the city of Barcelona that will begin in Grisart with a visit to the Maurizio Montagna and Paula Bruna exhibition, then we will go to the Center Excursionista de Catalunya where we will see the proposal by Eva Marín, in the Arxiu d’Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya with Raquel Friera’s installation and we will finish at La Capella. To end the meeting, we suggest you drink Vermouth with the participating artists


Sunday, November 27, at 11 a.m

Route to discover the most scenic Panoràmic festival!

Teatre Auditori. Barcelona.



On this route we will show you two exhibition projects closely linked to the creation of scenographies in both theater and cinema. On the one hand, we will visit the Teatre Auditori to see what Suzanne Moxhay has to offer, then we will go to Cinema Edison with Corinne Botz and finish at Roca Umbert with the performance performed by Arsènic students with the artist Enric Mauri.