
NON STEREO-TIP, polítiques obertes del desig (NON STEREO-TIP, Open Politics of Desire)

Curated by Amanda Cuesta

Cinema Edison, Carrer de Joan Camps i Giró, 1

From October 10 to November 24


From Friday to Monday from 18.00 h to 19.00 h

In a world where the frameworks of public debate are increasingly polarized, and normative regulations suffocate spaces for diverse expression and representation, efforts are needed to rethink imaginaries, especially regarding what is most intimate and personal, such as desire. This project revisits practices from experimental cinema, amateur art, and activism to foster safe environments from which to explore fantasies and imaginaries of bodily pleasure beyond violent and biased stereotypes.

In recent times, concerns have grown about premature access to content generated by a radically heteronormative and violent pornography industry. The alarm in social debate reached a peak with the “La Manada” case, but beyond the outrage, it is difficult to propose the need to critically discuss a puritanism that prevents open discussion and representation of the diversity of desire and the need to deepen into an ethics of affection.

Amanda Cuesta

Amanda Cuesta (Barcelona, 1974). Independent curator and editor, her solo and collective projects include Yoko Ono Impressions (La Virreina 2001), Capital! (CASM, 2005), Paperback. Edicions barates (CGAC 2006), Quinquis dels 80. Cinema, premsa i carrer (CCCB 2009), Llegendes del centre, mite, pla, cos, poder (Fundación Caja Madrid 2012) or Un altre fi la resta. Art i antifranquisme (CCM Born, Barcelona, 2022). Since 2013 she is a member and worker of the cooperative La caníbal.