
The Temptation of Death

Exhibition by Boris Mikhaïlov, curated by Iván de la Nuez

Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts
Dents de Serra – Carrer d’Enric Prat de la Riba, 77

From October 10, to November 24


Friday 16.00 – 20.00 h
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.00 – 20.00 h

Special schedule during the Focus Week of Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana From, October 8, to October 13
From Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.00 – 20.00 h


Boris Mikhaïlov was born in Kharkov (Ukraine) in 1938 and has captured with his camera the experiences of communism, the Second World War, the fall of the Soviet Union, and life as an émigré in Berlin. Throughout his career, he has challenged conventional views of history and the role of photography as an absolute document of reality or an unalterable monument of truth. From Stalinism and post-communist shock therapy to Western fantasies and contemporary moralities, his work resists easy categorization. Mikhaïlov has confronted censorship, the Chernobyl disaster, the excesses of German tourism in Mallorca, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. He was also a pioneer in the photographic representation of the male nude and photo performance.

The Temptation of Death marks a return to his origins while also reflecting on a future that awaits us.

Boris Mikhaïlov

Boris Mikhaïlov (Kharkiv, 1938). Born in 1938 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and trained as an engineer,and trained as an engineer, he has lived through -and captured with his camera- Communism, the Second World War, the fall of the Soviet Union or life as an emigrant in Berlin. Throughout this trajectory, he has exercised a free, critical and against-the-grain photography: of history and of the sublimation of photography as an absolute document of reality or an imperturbable monument of truth. Today seen as one of the most important figures on the international art scene, he has received many prestigious awards, among them the 2015 Goslar Kaiserring Award, the Citibank Private Bank Photography Prize (now the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Award) in 2001 and the Hasselblad Award in 2000. He represented Ukraine at the Venice Biennale in 2007 and again in 2017.

His work has been exhibited in major international venues, including the Tate Modern in London, MoMA in New York, and more recently, the Berlinische Galerie and C/O Berlin in Berlin, the Pinchuk Art Center in Kyiv, the Sprengel Museum in Hannover and the Staatliche Kunsthalle in Baden Baden.

Iván de la Nuez

Iván de la Nuez (Havana, 1964) is an essayist and curator. Born in Havana and lives in Barcelona. Among his books: La balsa perpetua, El mapa de sal, Fantasía roja, El comunista manifiesto, Teoría de la retaguardia, Cubantropía, Posmo, Iconofagias..
Entre les seves exposicions:
Among his exhibitions: La isla posible, Parque humano, Postcapital, Atopía, Iconocracia, Nunca real / Siempre verdaderoandLa utopía paralela.

He was the founder of La Virreina-Centro de la Imagen in Barcelona, and its first director, as well as director of Activities of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB). He currently works as a free-lance and is an advisor to Gutun Zuria, Festival Internacional de las Letras de Bilbao.