In this new edition, the festival will focus and investigate the concept of public and published intimacies, of the secret, private and hidden in the image shown, discovered and public.

This year’s title, Extimitat , already gives us some coordinates about what the visual narrative will be. Although the word extim first appeared in a text by Albert Thibaudet in 1923, it was not until 1969 that psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan used it in one of his seminars. Today, the intensive use of networks and the need to explain intimacy so that it loses its private character to become public have highlighted this concept. According to psychologists, the usual practice of visually making known what until now we had reserved in the most intimate and private space, causes a change in our image and the relationships between others, where nothing will cease to be harmless.

Download the 2020 Report

The activity report is dedicated to the last edition of the festival of exhibitions to various audiences, both conceptually, artistically and / or technically. From the design of various formats of activities, a dynamic of reflection and thought is generated that allows us to delve into the proposals of the artists.