This year the theme revolves around the concept of Landscape. Today, when our vision is no longer that of his idealization and longing for rural life, but the perspective of a world in danger, a danger that can only be detected through the most complex techniques and artifices: satellites, chronophotography, study of specific species, analysis of climate, rivers, seas and oceans, etc.

We propose a curatorship of works by artists who work on the idea of landscape from the most diverse perspectives: ecology, nature, scientific research, domestic animals, the food industry, animal abuse, etc. Of all the genres that painting, photography and film cultivated, it seems that the landscape has only succeeded in the virtual creations and recreations of video games, plastic landscapes that proliferate in the minds of the youngest.

GRANOLLERS — BARCELONA | 20.10—27.11.2022


The Panoràmic festival offers a series of exhibitions of photography, video and visual culture that explore the theme of “El Quart Paisatge” for all audiences, in Granollers and Barcelona.


Discover all the films, short films and other audiovisual formats that the artistic team has prepared. An opportunity to enjoy cinema and moving images linked to the concept of the Fourth landscape.

See all projections

Activities and routes

Panoràmic goes far beyond exhibitions and screenings, the activities and routes are an essential part of understanding the festival. We have prepared a lot of proposals for you to go deeper from rhythms and dynamics adapted to all audiences.

See all activities


These are some of the participants who have confirmed their presence at the festival

Projections at La Capella

BARCELONA | 28.10.2022

Open Panoràmic

The Panoràmic festival has the Open Panoràmic, the artistic call for national authors and works in audiovisual format based on photographs, videos, texts, infographics, webdocs or the hybridization of some of these techniques. The works presented may be documentary, experimental or a visual essay. The coordinator of the Open Panoràmic 2022 is curator Pilar Cruz.

De festival en festival

The Panoràmic festival invites several international curators/res to present creators/res from their country who work in the field of the image. The projects of these artists are shown as part of a collective viewing to various Catalan agents in the sector, in order to encourage exchanges between Catalonia and the invited countries.


The festival offers a series of professional workshops and/or for all audiences with the aim of bringing artistic practices closer to everyone who wants to train, specialize or start.

See all workshops

Creating with Neural Networks: New Perspectives

By Pilar Rosado

October 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. // Barcelona

Create photo projects with Unreal Engine technology

Curated by Gerard Toledano

Friday 18 and 25 November from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm // Barcelona

Saturday 19 and 26 November from 10 am to 3 pm // Barcelona

Photography as an excuse

Curated by Txema Salvans

November 5 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. // Granollers

Collaborative research laboratory "Tracing the landscape"

Curated byEva Marín

Monday 17 and 24/10, and 7, 21, 28/11 / and 12/12 // Granollers & zoom

Educational program

The educational program of the Panoràmic Granollers festival is structured in two lines of activities aimed at primary school (middle and higher), secondary school and high school. It also offers a specific educational program for art baccalaureates and art, photography and film schools that is also structured in two types of activities.

You can download the educational program at the following link:

Download program

Location of the exhibitions

Teatre Auditori Granollers

Carrer de Josep Torras I Bages, 50

08401 Granollers


Plaça de l’Església 7

08401 Granollers

Roca Umbert fàbrica de les Arts

Carrer d’Enric Prat de la Riba, 77

08401 Granollers

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers

Palaudàries, 102 41

08402 Granollers

Museu de Granollers

Carrer Anselm Clavé, 40

08401 Granollers

Cinema Edison

Carrer Joan Camps, 1

08401 Granollers


Carrer de Méndez Núñez, 14

08003 Barcelona

Fundació Foto Colectania

Passeig de Picasso, 14

08003 Barcelona

KBr Fundació Mapfre Barcelona Photo Center

Av. del Litoral, 30

08005 Barcelona

La Capella

Carrer de l’Hospital, 56

08001 Barcelona

Refugi de la plaça Maluquer i Salvador

Plaça Josep Maluquer i Salvador,

08401 Granollers, Barcelona

Arxiu Fotogràfic del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya

Carrer del Paradís 10, 08002 Barcelona.
De dilluns a dijous de 10.30 h a 13 h i de 17 h a 21.30 h. Divendres de 10.30 h a 13 h

Arxiu d’Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya (AEFC)

Institució Milà i Fontanals d’Investigació en Humanitats – CSIC
Carrer Egipcíaques 15, 08001 Barcelona.
De dilluns a divendres de 9 h a 15 h.

Filmoteca de Catalunya

Plaça Salvador Seguí 1 – 9,

08001 Barcelona.
De dilluns a divendres de 8 h a 15 h.